About our Clubhouse:

  • Our Mission

Our mission is to be a safe and inclusive resource providing hope and self-worth through employment and social opportunities for those living with mental illness.

  • Our Vision

All individuals living with mental illness will live stigma free through the Clubhouse walls and become a catalyst for the entire community.

  • Our Core Values

As set by our members are:  Hope, Acceptance, Belonging, Opportunity, and Strength

Transitional Employment

 Transitional Employment is a cornerstone of Clubhouse International Clubhouses.

One way that we assist members of the Clubhouse is through a Transitional Employment program. It places members into temporary job positions that help them build the skills they would need to transition to full time employment either at another site or the same site.

Members will be at their temporary position for about 6 to 9 months and will be paid as an employee would be. After their shift, members will return to the clubhouse where they will receive support and praise from other members and staff, and can also discuss what they have learned with other members.

The desire to work as expressed by the Clubhouse member is the single most important factor in determining placement opportunity.

Clubhouse Responsibilities

 The selection and training of members on Transitional Employment is the responsibility of the Clubhouse, not the employer.

Transitional Employment placements are managed by Clubhouse staff and members.

The clubhouse guarantees absence coverage, either with the help of members already working on the other half of the job or by one of the program staff.

If a member is not able to perform the job, they are expeditiously replaced by a new member.

The Clubhouse staff engages in periodic site visits and assists the member when needed.

Employer Responsibilities

 Members work at the employer’s place of business.

Clubhouse staff train the member until they, along with the employer, agrees that the member is ready to work independently.

Transitional Employment placements are part-time and time-limited, generally 15 to 20 hours a week.

Members are paid the prevailing wage rate, but at least minimum wage, directly by the employer. They do not require a benefits package.

Employers do not make any substantial changes to the Transitional Employment placement without consultation.

Types of Employment

Supported Employment

A program where the job is held solely by the member, but there is an understanding between the Clubhouse and the employer that the member is given support on-site.

The position is based on the idea that the member can do the work and that they receive support from the Clubhouse as well.

The Clubhouse helps the member on-site with orientation and training. The Clubhouse remains in contact with the job site through regular visits, phone, and email.

Independent Employment

A program where members who are ready to find their own employment site are given assistance from the Clubhouse in applying and obtaining a job. We also offer assistance to those wishing to find a volunteering position.


There is no on-site support for the member, but they are still given support and encouragement at the Clubhouse.

Contact Us

Phone: 272-228-3294

Email: info@katiesplaceclubhouse.org

Web: www.KatiesPlaceClubhouse.org

247 Penn Ave

Scranton, PA 18503